Sunday, October 28, 2007

dream log

I seemed to be wandering around the mainland US or something, wearing pants and a nice dress shirt, although the pants' cuffs were absolutely filthy. I ended up at a huge construction place that sunk into what looked like a crater, but wasn't, and the place itself was actually a huge lumber mill. I managed to work my way down the steep incline, all red dirt, and me without slippers or anything. I got down to the bottom and started walking around the equipment. The stuff was monstrous, like those movies where you see a future full of monolithic things littering the landscape. I managed to find my way to some kind of office in a large hangar-like building. I think I met the site manager, or someone important, and he had me sign some kind of sign-in sheet. In the office, there was a cute, hapa-Japanese/Chinese secretary girl. After she heard who I was, she somehow started smiling and told me we were related. I inquired as to how, but she never gave me an answer as she got some kind of phone call.

The second part of the dream, a transition for which there was none, moved to an almost WarCraft 3 kind of game view, sans HUD. The map/land was an island with a great mountain in the central area. On the coasts, small forces began to colonize and expand territories. There seemed to be humans and orcs, and although I do not remember specific troop types, I recall a blue force fighting a red force at the foot of the mountain. There were many soldiers on both sides, massive armies battling on the plains. The voices were more or less reminiscent of what you would expect from either side. The view switched from aerial to 3rd-person, flying over the battlefield.

I've skipped a few dreams since the last update, but those were private.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Dream Journal - 10/22/07

I know it had to be the TV. I dreamt about something, but now I can't remember. What I do remember is that it involved me, Shaggy and Scooby Doo in some room, hiding from a monster or something like that. I gotta stop watching the new Scooby movies they play on Cartoon Network.

In other news, inspirational music and a question: listen carefully to the lyrics; would you be like that for me?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dream Log - 10/21/07

Okay, now I know I'm having issues.

The first part of the dream was pretty real. It involved me waking up around 11 or 12 in the morning, realizing I was not only still at home but late for class and work. I was, expectedly, very flustered by this. But this is where it all changed up. Apparently, the world was experiencing some kind of apocalyptic destruction. Hellish demons and zombies and crosses between the two were attacking people. Somehow, I was boarded up in my house against these things, but they got in. Apparently, other people were at the house, as well. One of the things, which pretty much looked like something out of Resident Evil, but less dead, managed to corner me and three other people in my bedroom and attempted to get in through the hallway door. Didn't work to its advantage. In fact, we were able to trick it into running into my room. Then, we beat it with conveniently-placed sticks found in my closet. We also decided to break it up into pieces, or something, and I remember an image of the whole body broken up like a dry cracker. After that, there was some sense that what we had done was all just part of a TV show, that everything was fake and we had finished a shoot. I then proceeded to walk out into the hall, look into my parents' room and see some Filipino girl sitting on the bed in a busboy uniform. That's when I woke up.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with me?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

dream log - 10/20/07

Okay, I'm really just too tired to bullet all the stuff out.

For the most part, it was me in some slightly normal social situation, which was hanging out somewhere (seemed to be a church, or at least the interior was) and finding myself more and more attracted to a certain someone I know in real life.

Problem was that, in the dream, we ended up having a kind of fight/argument because she felt we couldn't really be together. The worst part about it was I just let it go.

Not the best way to start a Saturday morning.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


He moves with purpose, with determination. Every step is planned. Every movement is deliberate. Each breath is spent carefully. His gait is timed so predictably that he could close his eyes and know his footfalls. He walks with a sense of importance. His urgency is apparent in the rigidity of his body, but he is still at ease. He masks himself in an elaborate display for the benefit of those around him, his eyes obscured by the reflective protection of his new sunglasses. The windows to his soul are closed, boarded up in darkness that cannot be penetrated by a mere glance.

He feels everything. There is no emotion that is unknown to him. Still, he betrays nothing to the outside world that he does not himself control. To those around him, he is the same as he has always been, a cheerful young man whose compassionate spirit and magnetic personality have brought him many friends. They do not see the hurt written in the lines on his face, the stories of pain told in the dark circles around his eyes. They do not see these things because he does not let them see.

He turns on his music and loses himself in the verses, the only place where he can open up his heart and pour out all the despair, the madness and the insanity that has accumulated over the course of the day. Whether it be walking around or moving in a vehicle, the quiet moments he affords himself are the moments he takes to ponder. He glances at his watch in a timely fashion, wondering when the day will end and the night will bring sleep. But his sleep is no more restful than his waking dreams, and he dreads the blanket of unconsciousness even more than the real world. In the real world, he can escape under his own volition. In his dreams, he is powerless to move, powerless to protest what he sees. The depth of his fears robs his fantasies of their color; instead, he sees firsthand the desolation that a broken spirit brings.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

dream log - 10.14.07

I have no idea anymore.
- Arctic base / scientific research center somewhere icy and cold
- Some kind of research dealing with drilling into ice and analyzing samples
- My current job at an IT company was somehow involved because my old boss was there asking if I'd finished a project
- I became involved and had relations with a girl I know in real life, but have no intention of even talking to (creepy feeling, trust me)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


i don't wear these glasses
for fashion's sake. I wear them
for me.
i wear them
because they make you look
at you.
and you don't really see me.

they give me a degree of freedom,
to be secret and public

when i want to disappear
i can disappear behind these reflections.
reflections of you on me.

they are curtains for my mind,
i close these windows to my thoughts
and you are left hearing
my voice.

do you really know
what i am